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The Future of Infinity Stones and more...

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Ideas about Infinity Stones and more

      So for the mod, some ideas for future updates... Enjoy (this is not yet implemented to the mod). So there’s a small chance that an ore will be added either by using a transmutation staff on ultimatum ore and it will be converted to Asgardian Iron , Or  it will be added as a special rare ore. Now, asgardian iron has half  the durability of diamonds and twice the damage but it can be combined with either diamonds or iron blocks and coal to create asgardian steel (which is similar to uru ). If a player holds in his hands a weapon made of that and he gets struck by lightning he will get an effect for 10 seconds which will make him fast, regenerate and deal excessive damage as he is granted “ Thor’s Blessing ”. Thor’s Blessing is a buff related to the Norse God, it is granted to those who honor him by using weapons made of the same material as his hammer, Mjolinir. Icon should be a hammer. Gungnir may be added as a special weapon, as the mighty spear of ...

Project Infinity Stones and More Update

  As the mod progresses through updates more and more materials are added with much later a singular most powerful gauntlet to be added. Many materials are original but items or weapons from the lore will be added such as: -The All Black the Necrosword and -The Ebony Blade.... Here is a text of my current ideas for some weapons (which will be added)  " So since the mod is going up to a point in which infinity will be used to make weapons. Each weapon (made of infinity ingots) requires all others of the same type. For example: To craft a infinity empowerer you will need: Empowerers crafted from: -Infused -Infused Gold -Crimson -Otherwhere -Palladium -Ultimatum -Tetrian -Sunbright - Soulbright (to be ADDED ) -Vampyrion -Kethalt -Erebium -Necro -Venomite -Lead -Electro -Cesmine Yeap, there are quite a lot I know. The texture of the said weapon will have a cycling animation from all the other used weapons to craft it. Obviously it will have more damage than its predecessors and ...

Falling behind

So yeah...  I've become so  busy over these past few months either with work or in general my life and haven't been able to upload a post on none of my 2 blogspots.. Sorry  guys, I'll do my best and continue the uploads  for the details of the Infinity Stones and More mod! So please again bear with me! If anyone wishes to join I have a dedicated discord server for people who  wish to hang out or chat with me! Thanks for the support! Also... I have started a modpack (not published yet), the  work of it. As it requires quests, custom items, fixed  recipes, bug testing andd the update of my mod of course!

Project: Infinity Stones and More v.9

  With the newest update many new weapons have been added to the mod. Whilst it started out as a simple addon mod, it has become something much more! We have a introduction to 3 new materials: Base, crimson and otherwhere! Each material can be used to craft components and weapons! Starting off with the energon weapons: The Energon Double Bladed Tonfas is a melee weapon that deals 60 attack damage has a durability of 2,561 and can be repaired using: -energon crystal or energon powder. All bladed tonfas give mining fatigue and slowness for 30 seconds. The Energon Shield has a durability of 2,561 and can be repaired using energon crystal or energon powder.  Also when in hand it gives instant health, when right clicked it grants the user speed, strength and haste for 20 seconds but removes 1 durability.                                                   ...

Project: Simple Pouches

  Project Simple Pouches was made using Mcreator for 1.16.5. A small mod that adds 9 vanilla like pouches to Minecraft for more inventory storage. The mod can be found on my curseforge page or you can view it here: Simple Pouches Link Each pouch can be crafted in 2 ways: -Crafting Table: Creating the leather pouch and then just adding more materials to it, to upgrade it as a tier. Tiers are: Leather - Wood - Stone - Iron - Gold - Diamond Emerald - Obsidian and finally netherite! Stone to Iron -Smithing Table: Using a base pouch (not an actual pouch just an ingredient) and then just combining it with the desired material. A secondary recipe added which is much easier for everyone! -The pouches have: Leather 9 slots Wood 12 slots Stone 15 slots Iron 18 slots Gold 21 slots Diamond 24 slots Emerald 27 slots Obsidian 30 slots Netherite 36 slots All in all it's a small companion mod for modpacks or players that require more inventory space other than chests or shulker boxes!

Vault Hunters Pt1

  Vault Hunters is a pack made for 1.16.5 found in Curseforge! Link:  Modpack Link A simply amazing rpg pack with some famous mods such as: -Create -Mekanism -Storage Drawers -JEI -Supplementaries and many more! The whole idea behind the pack is vaults! Random dungeons that can be entered via using a completed vault crystal on a basalt portal frame! How to play the pack ? For Starters, you must finish the "vanilla" stuff like acquiring diamond gear, an enchanting table some villagers would be nice to help with getting things easier done. Then, going to the End and killing the dragon. While you are there though be sure to grab some purpur as you need them to craft a Vault Altair (or Vaultar). If you have gone mining before that you may find a new strange ore called Vault rock ore. This is important to get tons because using one on a Vaultar 4 random items will roll. When you throw each item on the altair and give it a redstone signal it will give you a vault crystal which then...