For sure many modpacks nowadays have almost 100+ mods in them.
Many people can't play a modpack with 200 mods and have good fps, so thinking around 100- mods should be a good start.
By adding only 100 mods or less, more people can play and enjoy your pack and while playing fps will be at a good rate.
How to make a modpack different and unique from others?
Well, making a modpack is an "easy" step but it coming out as unique?
Something that will surely make it unque is adding custom items, or ideas in it.
Making a custom map for your modpack or making custom npcs that you can trade and talk to.
Adding a story to it which fits the whole custom map idea and gives it a more customized touch!
Tools for doing this: world painter or in-game mod world-edit.
Re-writting or renaming items in game can for sure give minecraft a new feel.
While, for this you can use CraftTweaker, all information on how to use it is available on their site.
(some knowledge of code is required).
Quests can also guide the player to a more personalized play through with rewards, demands of giving items or completing tasks such as: going to a location or killing a mob required to progress.
Mods such as: (HQM, Better Questing, FTB Quests).
Tweaking hunger, thirst or skill mechanics is one of the thing that makes RLCraft so popular and loved!
Minecraft on it's own misses this difficulty. You go to a desert wearing full armour...?
Isn't that overpowered? You can survive the night with no armour or cold....
These "small" things can make a modded experience so much better because of the application of realistic factors or fantastic ones missing from the game!
Adding rewards to mob killing. Such as lootbags!
Lootbags have a percentage to drop from a mob when killed.
Drops and chances are highly configurable! (Mod available in curseforge)
Small mods that add what should be in vanilla like apotheosis or decoration mods.
Makes it visually appealing and useful!
A custom-built starting point can also make a new experience better!
More on future posts!
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