For those who have played a modpack with a lot or few tech mods know my pain of early power and start...
Cables and wires just fill your base...
When it comes to machines the 2nd most important thing to know is:
Cables - Wires - Pipes:
Names - Uses:
A cable is used for transfering items while a wire for power and last a pipe (or fluiduct) for liquids.
But, let's say you have reached a certain level of resource hoarding and you are pretty stacked, you can immidiately move to wireless items which are wayy better because:
1) Wireless power takes less time to be transmitted as it negates the use for cables.
2) With mods like Ender Storage you can move items directly where they are required for crafting instead of doing this:
Farm to Main storage to automation...
3) You won't have a messy under floor filled up to the brink with tons and tons of cables!
4) Your base can be pretty again!
5) You can effectively maximize your automation capabilities without causing too much lag that may cause a crash or make your world unplayble!
More on future posts!
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